I was leaving in 13 days...
That's it, it was subtle and heavy. There was one thing I seriously wanted and that was to meet my school friends for one last time. Although I never had many friends,  never had a group or anything like that but I do have 3 very close people. I always prefer small circles that big groups of friends. I believe that when you're in a group you are not deeply attracted to anyone, you share a happy time with them but when you need someone right next to you at a very low point then you just pause for a second and think, " who should I call ?", "Who is the one person that can be next to you in no time?" But when you have small circles you are sure who is going to be right next to you. 
But my thoughts did change a bit, I wanted those 3 people to wish me luck, hug me, and maybe we can cry a bit but what happened was different. I told all of them about my moving nearly a month ago, I thought maybe they will plan something for me. 

Yes I know I thought of a little extra here but leave it. It was not that they didn't want to it was just they weren't able to, everyone had something serious going on with them that it was difficult for them as well. But I was dealing with my own stuff and just needed them.
Things never always go as you want them but it's okay. 
I acted childish according to my mom but I was having an overflow of emotions. I texted all of them one last time on the 12th day that is the day before I was leaving they were sad and even emotional, we were not very far that day but no one had time, and when everyone will have time maybe I will be really far away...
Stay Close :)
Thank You


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Hold strong ari 🤍

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    No wonder of emotions you went from but they will still be the closest one whenever you will need them, either by their heart or with their soul❤️ just stay calm, sometimes physical meeting might not be possible but keep this thought in ur mind that they're still there holding your back❣️❣️


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