The morning started with a mug of cold coffee with some chocolate cookies and Saima was looking through the glass window comprehending how hard the wind was hitting the glass. She saw the urge of wind to come inside but blocked by glass and then she stood up moved towards the window, opened the knock and the wind gushed inside the room blowing everything, the wind took the papers lying on the desk with it. Saima felt the air pressure for some time, air blew her black hair up and pores of her skin also felt the fresh air but then she turned back and saw papers lying she came out of her daydreaming and pilled up all the papers and on the top of bundle she kept that orange envelope, she stared it for a moment and her eyes became moist but she held her strong.

 Today she had to reach the court by 11 in the morning and this very thought shook her, she had a shower and wore a bright white saree with a broad red border and put few metallic shiny red bangles and tied her hair up in a bun then she went downstairs took the car keys and drove towards park up on the hill, she reached there in 10 minutes and grabbed a seat near the fountain. Water falling from some height into the pond produced a calming sound and Saima fell deep in that sound.

She took the decision of marrying Mayank after thinking for months and it came out to be correct and good at first, they had a healthy relationship in which both cared for each other both supported each other and now she was standing against the love of her life she was about to ruin their whole relationship and this broke her from within but she has to say what she saw, she in her whole life followed justice and when it's her turn she can't step back. She knew Mayank never consumed drugs but he did urge others to have some. Her whole life depended on what she will say in the courtroom, she didn't want to tell the truth but she can't even lie. She remembered Mayank saying "Oh there is nothing bad in having some they do good, they boost you up." She cursed herself for hearing these words she then hit her head hard in her palms, and frustratingly tore her hair out and suddenly voices of children playing nearby brought her back. She stood straight tried her hair again and without any further thinking went straight to the car the drove to court upon reaching the lawyer told her when she need to come and tell the judge about everything, she thanked the lawyer and sat at the last bench. All her moments with her husband flashed in front of her. She thought of a happy married life she planned, they decided to go to Kashmir next month and they saw a new flat for them which gave so much of family vibe, they decided to call their parent and relative and celebrate the purchase of new flat. It was just last week when they were deciding the color of the curtains. That was a day previous week and now this day 
their whole life changed their relation destroyed and all plans drained. Courtmen called her, she hurriedly stood up and went towards the dock. She was sweating heavily and was trying to hold her tears. Mayank stood in front of her on the OPPOSITE SIDE, the lawyer asked her that did she heard her husband talking to people and urging them to take drugs she knew the answer but don't want to say anything, lawyer repeated his question again and this time softly she opened her lips a little and almost crying spelled most unfortunate word of her life "YES".

After this, she heard nothing as only "YES" echoed in her brain all her dreams were buried. Amid the shouting of lawyers and murmuring of public, she heard only "YES".




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