

Indeed karma is real, we get everything according to what we do. It's a cycle actually, you do good deeds that return to you in form of something good, you do bad deeds then that will also come back to you. There is a well-said quote by Wayne Dyer he says "How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." It is so well said, whatever you get in life is because of your good deeds and whatever you don't get or lose after getting is just because of your bad deeds both in this life and in a previous life. Your part is to do your actions and the result nature will decide. People always mourn on things they didn't get but rather than mourning and being sad they should look at what point they went wrong and what can be done now. You should always try to do good deeds and increase your chances of getting what you want. 

You may sometimes in your life think that "That person didn't even do that much hard work, He didn't have to work and yet he has everything" this is because of karma. Karma rules the world, nothing is more powerful than karma. It is basically action and its cause. A person who does good work may not receive its effect instantly but he will in some part of the life gets its effect, that why it is always said to do good and be good with everyone but here, there is one more point that needs to be understood, Karma is not only action and its consequences its also, intention by which you do the action.

People often do good actions with the intention that they will get something good in return and this is not good thinking, one should do good work selflessly, without any greed of getting something in return. If a person does a good deed with a selfish or bad intention that is considered as bad karma and it only harms. It can be explained as, if you respect your parents and treat them well so you will also be treated nicely by your children but if you abuse your parents then karma will show up and your children will abuse you, the way you did. Whatever you give will return to you so give only what you don't mind getting back to you.  




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