Let's begin with a question.
Is destiny partial? 

Why is it like someone gets all he wants without any effort or very little effort and on other hand, the next person has to suffer and struggle so much? A mom gives birth to two brothers, both of them have the same living conditions, same education, same qualifications everything same but one of them gets a high package job after completion of its graduation and another brother becomes unemployed, he never gives up he studies he struggles, he works hard and after three years of sleepless nights he gets a small job in a small private company. but in these three years the first brother has done so much he built his own house, he bought a car, he has so much investment and is well settled but the second one he is disturbed not physically but mentally at someplace in his mind he has a question WHY ME? No one knows why he? 

The first brother gets a girl, he gets married and could live happily but destiny plays with the second brother he is now employed and has earned but he is not able to find his partner. He gets rejected every time is went to see a girl. After a great search and tries he gets married to a widow but he is happy and satisfied, during all this also his brain raises a question WHY ME? 

In this story, destiny plays a very main role. Both of them are equally talented but destiny is good with one and worse with another. According to me, destiny is partial. It may be a case that karma plays a part but not so much that a person's whole life is ruined. Whatever the case may be destiny holds the power to bring a king down on the footpath and threw a beggar to the palace.




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