It was raining heavily and it seemed that the rain will continue the whole night which was quite alarming. Rudy sat under the glass roof listing to big smashing raindrops and imaging how far he came and how much more is to go he was tired after all he was 69 going to be 70 tomorrow, he analyzed his 69 years of life and some-what he was satisfied, he fulfilled all his responsibilities not everything was easy but at last, he did.

He saw water gushing through drains and thought how fast everything happened, it was last year only he got his youngest son married he had 3 sons and all are well set and seeing them happy with their families gives him so much satisfaction. Last week he went to his oldest son's place and they all celebrated the Grandson's birthday " grandpa grandpa! what present do you have for me?" asked the child to Rudy and Rudy handed over a box of chocolate to him, the child took it with dissatisfaction Rudy read the child's face and he knew he expected something more. Rudy held his soft hands and said "Don't be sad my child accept everything you get with a big smile, in our time we never received this much also....." before Rudy could conclude the child interrupted "Your era is gone, grandpa!"

"So will I my child" and Rudy stood up slowly with a slight smile and went inside the room.

His wife stood by her side till 50 years and that's a really good time Rudy felt lonely after she dismissed but he managed to live now he was finding a reason to live, he was thinking what can be done now he went deep in thoughts and then with rain slowing down he thought that now he will adopt a dog and will live for the dog, he found this idea nice as he will be busy and occupied and that's what he wanted.

He decided to go to the dog care center the next day and on his 70th birthday start a new phase. He thought that the thought that was bothering him must be over tomorrow, he wrote his tomorrow plan on his whiteboard so he don't forget.

He went to his bed lied down and seeing the falling raindrops he slept, next morning when neighbors came to knew that Mr. Rudy didn't come out this to collect the newspaper neither did he come to give the garbage, out of worry they broke the door and went inside and found Rudy lying lifelessly on his bed. They informed his sons about sudden dismiss, they all came with their wives and children, cried a little, and took Rudy to the graveyard and buried him. All of them after consoling each other went back to their homes and continued their daily routine. Everyone in society praised Mr. Rudy for being so responsible and caring person. One man said, "He was a great man first he lived for his parents then for his wife then for his children and grandchildren and in his last hours also he thought of living for a needy dog, he was truly great". Everyone sitting there agreed.

 But in the last few minutes of his life,  Rudy realized that he forgot to live for  himself! 




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